Chemical and biological defense program Technology programs and initiatives are improving defensive capabilities against Chemical and Biological Weapons. The Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) 109.2 Kb. 4
Chemical and biological defense program sbir 13. 1 Proposal Submission Jpeo-cbd if the appropriate level of technology maturity has been demonstrated. The Jsto-cbd science & Technology programs and initiatives are improving defensive capabilities against Chemical and Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction 110 Kb. 4
United nations e Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics (trans/WP. 5/2001/14) from member Governments, international organizations and other relevant authorities 72.65 Kb. 1
European Territorial Cooperation It allows preparing several sections of the EoI/af off-line. The document does not contain the financial part but there is a possibility to extract the related tables from the e-ms 207.82 Kb. 1
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Chemistry By studying a specific type of reactions, we bring in this work further proof for the presence of an "enamine" effect in inorganic chemistry as well 0.77 Mb. 29